GPS Coordinates

N 39 09.993

W 74 34.095

Now located on the Ocean City artificial reef, off the NJ coast. Deployed on June 16, 2016.

Height restrictions at the reef site, required the A-frame to be cut down. However, the top portion was welded to the deck,  to provide more reef structure

70' Dredge Ohio - a hydraulic cutter head dredge

Sponsored by The Strathmere Fishing and Enviromental Club and The Ann E. Clark Foundation

The Dredge was designed and built to be disassembled, allowing it to be trucked to various locations. 

Dedicated to

Jack Clements - Frank B. Smoot - Joseph A. Coffey Jr.

The dredge sank in a storm while dredging a channel in Lynnhaven Beach, Va.

Salvaged but never returned to service.